008: Gut Health: Right Foods, Right Herbs, and Right Oils to Support

October 26, 2018 00:35:08
008: Gut Health: Right Foods, Right Herbs, and Right Oils to Support
Essential Oil Healthcare Radio
008: Gut Health: Right Foods, Right Herbs, and Right Oils to Support

Oct 26 2018 | 00:35:08


Show Notes

Howdy, everyone!  Let's talk about gut health!   It is tied to SO MANY systems in our body, that it is cruical for overall health!  In this podcast, we discuss: Mentioned on the podcast:  If you are interested in learning more about essential oils, click here! Here are the show notes for today's podcast: Frank:                           00:11                Hey everyone, it's Frank and Jackie Ritz and we are from the Paleo Mama and we are here with essential oil healthcare radio and we cannot wait to bring you this show today. It is going to be a great deal of fun. We're going to talk about gut health today and that right, so excited to talk about your gut. While the reason why we want to talk about your gut is because honestly guys, you probably heard before that gut health is appropriate and necessary for proper overall health and honestly if you don't take care of yourself in that regards, it is going to lead to a slew of different problems and so we really want to talk about gut health today because we think it's foundational and honestly a lot of people may not even be focusing on what might be going on with their gut and wondering why they're having this multitude of different symptoms and problems. Jackie:                          01:06                Well and wasn't it hippocrates who said all health originates in your gut or let thy food be thy medicine. Yeah. So while and then of course you can't necessarily say that he said it because I heard that someone said that hippocrates might not have been the author of that, but needless to say, there are truth in both of those regardless of who actually said it. And so we wanted to start off with some of the ways that we can. Let's start off with describing what the micro biome or what the actual little microbes that are inside of our gut, what they are responsible for. Okay. Because there has been lots of studies done in the last couple of decades that have shown a lot of different originations of situations that arise from issues within the gut to include like mental health can actually be affected if you do not have an appropriate gut response. Frank:                           02:00                There's a big, large amount of data on large amount of studies being produced that actually show the link between the gut and mental health. Yeah, absolutely. So one time it was extremely. When we look at our gut, we don't necessarily think about what it really is. So let's talk about the function of the gut. Right? So we started off from the mouth going all the way to the back side. It is literally one long tube that is wrapped around itself many times over, has a couple of different areas that it's got to pass through, but it's entire purpose is to extract the nutrients out of our food in order to be able to deliver those nutrients into the bloodstream to make it to every cell in our body. Well, with that being said, when you think about how essential oils may serve as every cell of the body, it is absolutely true, but the foods that you eat are going to service every cell of your body, good, bad or indifferent. Frank:                           02:55                And so we need to consider where the nutritive value of the food is really where the where the rubber meets the road, if you will. And so once it passes through, the mouth goes into the stomach. Yes, it starts the purpose of digestion and make it into even smaller, more molecular size particles. But once it really gets down into that small intestine is where a lot of the magic happens and everyone in their small intestine has a micro biome and the microbiome is actually a types of microorganisms that are currently living inside of your gut. There are bacteria that as part of that microbiome inside of your gut bacteria is easy. Coal Lie, and you know, when you hear the Word Cola and you might be thinking about the bad forms of Ecolab that you may have heard on the news, uh, you know, with undercooked beef or something like that from a restaurant causing a really, really bad reaction and a person that may in fact make them hospitalized. Frank:                           03:57                Unfortunately a couple of people have died from that bad type of E. Coli. Well, that is a subtype of E Coli. Whereas the E Coli that we currently have along with some other things like, you know, acidophilus and some backdoor species, like what those are as those are beneficial bacteria that help digest the food. And a byproduct is also vitamin K. and so anyway, I say all that because there is this thing of like a scale right? So you've got good bacteria technically battling with bad bacteria or other bad flora inside of the gut and there is a constant battle for space going on and so what we want to do is we want to make sure that our microbiome remains with you bacteria, our good bacteria, and so we need to ensure that those bacteria are the ones that are proliferating because that would lead to a healthy body overall. Frank:                           04:51                There was one particular study that I can think of that was in the Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology talking about how having beneficial gut bacteria can actually improve the immune system. It can improve symptoms of depressive feelings or even anxiousness. It can actually help regulate the weight and a positive way and other many numerous benefits. So if you want to go check that out, that is online. The researcher's name is Dr E.M. Quigley. And so I just wanted to talk about that as well. So if you have symptoms of an unhealthy gut, excuse me. If you have symptoms of an unhealthy gut, we want to. We want to shed some light on those right now. And so let's just couple the fact that we have a lot of stress, I mean, in our world now, there are so many different ways that we can be stressed out. Jackie:                          05:42                We can absolutely just get into our car, have a relatively okay morning and all of a sudden as soon as we're driving, we're stressed and all of those types of things can lead to poor gut health. And so if you're having some of these symptoms, you might want to go ahead and do we need to go ahead and take a look at our gut health? Well if we have like, you know, upset stomach feeling. So like that is going to be something like your bloating or your indigestion or even, you know, frequent trips to the bathroom or not so frequent trips to the bathroom or even, you know, the occasional symptoms of reflux. There might be stress as well as some issues going on inside of yoru gut, let's talk about processed foods too. Okay. Processed foods are really being consumed in our family or excuse me, in our, um, in our society at a very high rate. Frank:                           06:35                Processed foods are those foods that require some sort of change or have had chemicals added to them to ensure their preservation for years to come, a diet, a typical diet of an American family, they eat in excess of 50 percent processed foods and the crazy thing about it is that there's also something called an ultra processed food and ultra processed food or those things that like we aren't really able to even say that they're even food like we may not even be able to say that they're actually food because they're sort of like the superhero of processed foods and so this might actually lead to a lot of different issues with weight management and stuff like that. Another thing that you might be receiving or or may get from inappropriate gut health as you might actually have issues with sleep, you might not be able to get to sleep very well or you're being woken up throughout your normal sleep time. Jackie:                          07:33                It's because of the fact that there is actually a regulatory hormone which is Serotonin. That and Melatonin play into getting appropriate slate. The downside is, is that actually if you have a situation where you have a long standing issue with sleep than you may in fact actually not be creating the amounts of Serotonin that you need for your body to be able to arrest appropriately. One of the things that I, this is another, this is number five, but one of the things I've ever never really known about was, you know, before I went to school to become a PA was skin disturbances or skin issues. Right? So like when skin gets irritated and things like that, I had no idea that that could actually be related to the foods that you eat. Now. There's a lot more data in that because we're talking about over almost a decade ago where I actually learned that, but now it's really becoming forefront in the last probably three to five years that we know that certain foods can. You can be trigger foods, if you will. That'll cost skin irritations in people. Jackie:                          08:35                And just to butt-in. I know you're on a roll over here, frank, but um, I can actually attest to that when I eat a lot of grains and gluten, my chicken skin kind of rears its ugly head and so if you guys don't know what that is, it's those bumpy skin that you can have on your upper and your thighs and they've linked it to different food sensitivities in particular, gluten and grains, grains and gluten that haven't been prepared properly, which, um, you know, I kind of talk more about that later, but that totally is related all to your gut. So if you have that same thing going on, I'll call it chicken skin. I don't know what the real name for it is. I love to use a little coconut oil, kind of rub it down a little bit, but you're masking the bigger problem and that is just balancing your gut and taking good care of your body. Keratosis Pilaris. Thank you. Know what he said. Frank:                           09:35                That's, that's the, that's the condition of chicken skin. But anyway. So the last couple of things I wanted to talk about before we of move into how we can go ahead and ensure that we are maintaining a healthy gut is we want to look at some, you know, uh, immune situations that might arise as well. So like we may in fact actually have issues with foods that are, you know, in not only are we becoming intolerant to these foods because a lot of what we eat these days is really not food at all, but we may, we may also have issues with getting the appropriate nutrients as well as creating situations where our gut is becoming like super inflamed because of these types of foods that are processed and ultra processed, overactive immune system. Right? And so therefore it's going to cause us to actually have an overactive immune system. And so we really want to let you know that there is hope and that there is things that we can do to ensure the wellness of our gut. Jackie:                          10:33                Yeah. So we'll give you guys a little bit of a plan to repair your gut. And I think everyone should do this. You might be listening to me like, oh my God is fine, I don't have any issues. I'll, ah, you, you still need to go through different times in your life or in your year. I, we kind of do it three, two to three times a year. We'll do a cleanse where we really just heal our gut, but we want to share with you guys a plan for moving forward and healing your gut. And so it's super easy to remember. One, you're going to remove foods too. You're going to replace foods. Three, you're going to repair your body with supplements and then for you're going to rebalance with probiotics, and so the first one is removed certain foods, and I think frank touched on that briefly, but if you're new to the whole real food movement, let me kind of break it down for you. Jackie:                          11:33                Eating real food is eating food that is as close to natural as possible. It's, you know, think about how our ancestors ate and how, you know, people back in the 500 BC, eight, you want to eat food that is GMO free, that is not synthetic, that have added two additives to it and that especially stay away from conventional dairy products. So these are the top, you know, toxic exposures that you can have in relation to food and of course, you know, in unclean water, you know, take a look at your water in your tap water that you're drinking. That's another great way that you can really heal your gut is by just getting a good source of water into your body. Since our body is what, 80 percent water. So you want to remove certain foods from your diet and then secondly just bought them. Jackie:                          12:32                Yeah, go ahead. Yeah, it's about 55 to 65 percent water. So I just had to do that because you agreed with 80 percent though. I did. But anyway, it's neither here nor there. Just say that we're over 50. How about this? We can agree to. We are at least half water. There you go. There you go. Okay, so then secondly, you want to replace your gut damaging foods with healthy foods that are going to be good for your gut. And so this is my expertise. I love, love, love talking about good, healthy, real food. Um, my website is the Paleo Mama and my whole transformation into eating more natural and living more natural. Started with the food that we ate as a family. And so some really great foods that you can start adding to your diet that are gonna help repair your gut as you are removing those bad foods. Jackie:                          13:25                Bone Broth, I can't speak enough. Good things about bone broth and if you can't make it, there's so many good sources in the store now to buy it. Even Walmart has great a grass fed bone broth in the freezer section comes in a little bag, I don't know the brand of it, but even kettle and fire, it's another now that's a shelf stable ones. So when we were in our RV traveling in the United States for a year, that was what we used if I didn't feel like stinking up the whole rv with instant pot bone bra. So if you can't make it, there's so many great sources to buy it and what bone broth does, it's really high in Collagen and it's really high in amino acids and these are going to really help to repair the cells of your skin or your, you know, your interior lining inside your digestive system. Jackie:                          14:20                Um, next is what other healing foods, honey, fermented vegetables, fermented foods. I was just about to say. So this isn't buying pickles from the aisle. Number five, okay. This is fermented foods. Have to be refrigerated so you can get these. I'm bobby's is a really great brand that you can get. Those are amazing pickles if you've never had them, and they're sauerkraut is so good, but it's actually super easy to make fermented foods like sauerkraut and Kimchi, pickles and beat coboss. All you really do is put your vegetables in a jar top. It was saltwater and boom, and like three or four days you have some delicious, you know, fermented vegetables. So very cheap to make if you can't buy it as well. Frank:                           15:06                And if I could speak to the amount of good bacteria that's created, another really wonderful source is a even tempeh can actually be fermented as well. It's something that the Japanese have been eating for hundreds of thousands of years and it's called nattokinase or Natto And it's fantastic for appropriate gut health. And the reason why we want to eat fermented foods is yes, there are some supplements and we will talk about those here in a few that you can consider it to adding as well, but when you eat a food that has been fermented than what you're looking at, by the way, one just popped into my brain, again, Kombucha, even if you wanted to, but um, so anyway, when you eat fermented foods, what you're looking at as you're looking at not just possibly billions of successfully, wonderful, amazing, awesome, yummy bacteria, but you can be getting into the trillions at that point. And when you're actually getting yourself a really good version of those types of probiotics, those are going to absolutely stimulate the appropriate response. And so we're going to really rev up your gut health. Jackie:                          16:20                Absolutely. Um, so next is really just focusing in on your dairy. Now if you eat dairy, we always have encouraged people to choose raw dairy. Now it's kind of a, I don't think it's very controversial anymore, but 10 years ago when we started, you know, looking for raw milk, I would seriously be behind the parking lot of walmart and it's like doing drug deals, but now it's more accepted. It's more widely available and raw milk is amazing for your body and really just for your gut. It's loaded with vitamins and different kinds of fatty acids and probiotics, especially if it's cultured. Now you can go on real milk.com and see if there's a local source scenario, but just make sure it comes from a clean farm that uses great sanitary practices. You know, we have our own milk goats and we drink the milk from that and that's raw milk. So it's milk that has not been homogenized or pasteurized. And if all of you listening haven't ever heard the whole raw milk debate, I'm a make it super short for you. Pasteurization was created back in the fifties or sixties because they. Even before that. What was it before that? Jackie:                          17:39                It was just Louis Pasture. Yeah, it was around the forties or fifties was actually like early 19 hundreds. The reason why I say that, no, the reason why I say that is because the pasteurization process was created to preserve the milk. Jackie:                          17:54                They wanted to get away with more unsanitary practices and farming, so they wanted more cows in one lot. They wanted to be able to shove more antibiotics in food into them so that they would grow quicker, give more milk, blah blah blah, and in order to do that they had to really make sure the milk was clean afterwards. I don't care about how they raised the animal before and during, but they wanted to make sure afterwards they gave the milk a nice, you know, pasteurization and then boom, it's completely safe Frank:                           18:25                for you to use the by, by extremely heating gets to where you know the correct temperatures. We won't get into the procedure of how it's done, but essentially what that does that knocks out both good and bad bacteria. So that's one negative and then it also messes up and denatured proteins. When I say denature a protein guys, I'm talking about like when you put an egg inside of a pan and you cook it, the reason why the white, the yolk or excuse me, the white portion of the egg goes to from clear to white is because you're denaturing those proteins and so you're essentially doing the same exact thing. We knew pasteurized milk and so a couple of things when it comes to milk, if I may, that I wanted to highlight was going to realmilk.com is a great place, but also make sure that you check with your state because there are different states that widely are okay with the sell of raw milk. And then there's some states that will do something called a cow share or a milkshake or a dairy share and so you can like go in with a couple of different families. But make sure you just checked the legality according to your state. Jackie:                          19:27                Pretty much get it in any state. But if you are actively repairing your gut, we recommend that you use culture. Dairy Cultured Dairy is like yogurt and Kefir, it's loaded with probiotics and extremely gut healing. Um, and you can make these super easy yourself or you can buy them from your local real milk.com farmer. If your state does allow the sale of raw milk, you probably can find raw milk yogurt or Kefir and your grocery store, but you, if even across the board you can find cultured butter in most, any grocery store today. And that is another great culture dairy product that you Frank:                           20:13                and I mean like we're only speaking about being proponents of milk because we drink it obviously if you have problems with lactose and stuff like that, there are still other really great ways that you can go ahead and incorporate these, uh, these, these foods that will absolutely work against any of the Trad, a traumatic things that we may have created, you know, and causing our gut flora to be swung in a, in a negative way. So we can absolutely do that as well. Jackie:                          20:41                Yeah. So next we're gonna talk with you guys about how to repair your gut with certain supplements. Frank:                           20:46                Right? So Frank:                           20:48                when I think about supplements, there are a couple that really, really have come to mind that have absolutely done a great job in my particular health. And so, and you know, I spoke with eating about eating. Those harms are, excuse me, those, um, those fermented foods, right? And when we talk about fermented foods, we're still talking about these things are teeming with good bacteria. So starting off with a really good fermented food regimen, you know, I eat it a couple of times a week, I'll add it to a salad. Sometimes I'll just grab the pouch and I'll just take a scoop of it and I'll eat one or two scoops of it right there on the spot as a quick snack. If fermented foods are something that you want to slowly introduce, but you want to do something positive for yourself, consider maybe starting some probiotics. Frank:                           21:33                You want to be able to get something that's going to be an excess of about 50 billion colony forming units per day. The reason why we want to make sure that we use enough is because when we consider the harsh environment of the stomach, it's acidic in nature, and unfortunately some of those bacteria can be killed off by the hydrochloric acid that's in our bellies, so we ensure that we take a probiotic with a enteric coating, meaning that it can pass through the harsher stomach environment and make its way down into the gut where it's actually going to be able to grow and do some benefits for us. And when you're in repair mode, that's when you need that 50 to 100 billion units. But when you're in a maintenance mode, we really love the PB assist probiotic from doterra because it's a lower colony, 6 billion units. It's lower and it's more of a maintenance. A probiotic that you can take and it's enter coated. If you've ever kind of cut your probiotic opened and looked at it, it has an inner capsule that's green, which is loaded with chlorophyll. So it's a very great, you know, maintenance probiotic that you can take. But when you're actively repairing your gut, you know you might need to up it to a higher dose of a probiotic for one to two weeks. Jackie:                          22:55                Yeah, no, thank you for that clarification because yeah, we take that for granted because of course we're now in maintenance phase, right? If you're looking to do so, Frank:                           23:05                he's absolutely spot is a really great time to take a higher dose probiotic Frank:                           23:09                because you need to re establish another way. This will. This is the medical background in May. If you do have a need for antibiotics, let's say you do get an infection of some sort and you need to be treated with antibiotics, I absolutely recommend to you get on probiotics after your antibiotics are over because the antibiotics are going to go in there and they're going to take care of both good and bad bacteria. There are going to remove the bad bacteria that might be causing that infection, but then you need to repopulate with the good bacteria. So probiotics after antibiotics is also very much recommended. A digestive enzymes are crucial and I would offer to you that there's at least nine that I can think of that are essential to appropriate, you know, eating if you will, and I know that I don't get them all. Frank:                           23:55                I know that I don't get all of the ones that are going to break down all the different starches, all the different proteins, all the different milk sugars or other carbohydrate sources. I know that I'm not getting the ones that are breaking down gluten effectively if I do happen to get some gluten in my diet. So essentially digestive enzymes can be there. He makes sure that their whole food based, that way they can be present in your gut to help create the breakdown of those foods in your guts or your body can actually absorb them more effective. Jackie:                          24:32                Yeah. So, um, there's a couple of really great herbs that you can take as well. And some of them actually, if you follow me on facebook or through my blog or newsletter, maybe frank can link that in the comments below in the description. But if you get on that, you'll see that I posted a mushroom hot chocolate recipe yesterday that is absolutely to die for. You know, I've learned the medicinal benefits of mushrooms over the past few years since having our own farm. We find all different kinds of mushrooms, Reishi, what did we just find? Chicken of the woods, just lion's mane. So many great mushrooms, and so I created a recipe that uses mushrooms but also has an amazing herb called marshmallow now. Yes, marshmallow is the original marshmallow confectionary that was used before they turned to corn syrup. It is a very thick and lubricating herbs, so it's so good for your gut because what it does is it goes in and it literally coats your digestive system and starts to heal it. Jackie:                          25:44                And so it's, we call it a demulcent or Musa Lynn, Musa. It's what's that word? Mucilaginous herbs. It's very thick. It's a really hard herb to take on its own because it is like drinking a very thin snot. But what it does, it just is super lubricating. So if you add marshmallow root powder to your hot chocolate, not only does it, it's great for your digestive system and your gut, it's going to code it, but it also gives it the really slight flavor of marshmallow. So it's a very healthy hot chocolate recipe that you and your kids can enjoy all winter long. Frank:                           26:22                I'll tell you what, I love the fact that you became an herbalist too. That's so wonderful. It's like you've just opened up our family to a bunch of really new and innovative ways to, to just to be healthy too because I'll tell you why. Like that's how it works guys. I mean the only, let me say this many times, but obviously we know that there are certain things we should be doing that are good for our health, but if they don't taste good, we're not even going to touch him. You know, I, it doesn't matter if you're young or old, we're not going to do it. And so I wanted to round this out really quick with talking about a also, let's talk about mental health for a little bit, right? It. Because I talked about how stress can wreak havoc in your system as well, and so we want to make sure that we actually consider different ways to help combat stress. Frank:                           27:08                Well, getting a good workout regimen is going to be, it's going to be good, not like that. Just cause, you know, call, call it the world is your gym, get a good brisk walk in most days of the week, play with your kids energetically clean your home, you know, do things that are going to get you up, get you moving, and it will absolutely give you a, a renewed spirit. Uh, you know, doing some meditation, getting into scripture, I'm getting a massage, spending time with loved ones instead of being on facebook are all really good ways of being able to do that. There are also essential oils that we can consider for helping with our stress, right? We can diffuse different ones like lemon, lemon is a lemon or other citrus oils is really great for combating stress and, and changing your outlook and your aspect in life. Frank:                           27:57                And so we want to do that very regularly. Okay. We also want to make sure that we're getting enough sleep, sleep, when we don't get it, it causes a multitude of different situations and none of which are going to be great and when we deal with a chronic, or excuse me, what I should say, like longstanding sleep issues, is that our body can't heal itself and so we do all of these really wonderful things, not sleeping well, really not doing anything for our body, so we need to make sure that we were getting seven to preferably eight hours of good, fun, amazing sleep every single evening. Jackie:                          28:33                So a couple other oils that are really, really great for you as you're repairing your gut. I want to just stop talking about my favorite new one. And that's fennel. Fennel, Wa is a very underused essential oil. Many of you probably haven't even purchased it yet, but I want to encourage you guys to do it because it is a amazing herb, an oil for helping with anything related to your bowels, into your digestive system. And in fact, um, I love this oil and herbs so much. Now we have a little bowl sitting on the kitchen counter with fennel seed and we frequently just nibble on it before or after our meals just because it helps just digest your food and just really helps with any of that uncomfortable digestive issues that you could have before or after you eat your food. So I really wanna encourage you guys to get some fennel, use it. You can actually apply it topically onto your belly and put, you know, putting it in a roller bottle you can do for your kids. You can also put it in a diffuser if you've never tasted fennel, you're in for a treat. It is a very sweet oil and in fact if you want to come off sugar, you can sweeten your coffee or tea with the drop of fennel. But that's one of my favorite oils to use for anything related to the digestive system. Frank:                           29:54                Yeah. And then there's a couple of others that come to mind. Um, coriander is one of them. Cardamom lot of folks use Cardamom for respiratory health, but you can actually use it for gut health as well. It is a phenomenal for being able to help with the feelings of indigestion and bloating and you know, the occasional cramps that you might feel and stuff like that, especially if you've overindulged, which is really a good pro tip for this coming holiday season. Jackie:                          30:21                Another thing thatCardamom does is it helps to balance your stomach acid and the juices in your gastric system and so that's why you know, it's added to tease and it's added to even chai tea. It's one of our favorite ones. We'd love putting cardamom minute, but it really helps to balance if you have issues with your stomach acid before you or after you eat something, take a little cardamom, put a drop in your tea and it's really gonna help regulate those gastric acids that can be Frank:                           30:51                come up. And uh, and, and I love, like I said, putting lemon in a diffuser is really great, but lemon is very cleansing. It's really great for liver health as well as gut health. It actually will help cleanse the mucous membranes down inside of your gut as well. Allowing it to respond and, and function the way that it's supposed to and all these essential oils that we talked about, we actually could even consider using those in a blend called DigestZen, which is really nice because those walls to include peppermint, which Jackie's going to talk about in just one second, is a great way to compliment a, you to be able to have really great gut health. Jackie:                          31:29                Yeah, peppermint is my Swiss army oil. It's used for hundreds of different things, but um, the ways that I like to use peppermint, it's excellent for cravings. And so if you are on this journey of healing your gut and you've eliminated foods, you might crave some of those old foods that you used to eat. And so peppermint is excellent at helping manage those cravings. It's also so great for any kind of feelings of nauseousness. So, um, I get carsick take the peppermint oil with me and I always make sure to have it on hand because it really does an excellent job at just, um, helping me not to feel that that way you can apply this oil topically. You can take it internally if you're using therapeutic grade oils like doterra and um, it's an excellent Swiss army oil that you just definitely want to have around your home. Frank:                           32:23                Absolutely. Awesome. So thank you so much for sharing with me today. Jackie. That was just really so good. Um, a year have taught me so much about gut health and that's the reason why I consider it. I can speak about it, but what's awesome is that if you're listening to us in the car, hit the rewind button or that track back and you can always re listen to this because hopefully there's been a bunch of really awesome nuggets in there for you to be able to work on your journey toward proper gut health. We ask you to share this podcast with others. Share this with somebody that you know, may need a little bit of help, if you will, if they've been wondering mysteriously how they can actually support their health in a very, very positive way. Share this podcast with them and I cannot wait to be able to bring all these other really good topics that we're going to be bringing to for the rest of the month. Frank:                           33:12                It's crazy. It's almost halloween already. And so we need to be thinking about all of the episode for people. That's it because we know that a Halloween's coming up next Wednesday and so, uh, and so we want to make sure that you are armed for taking your little ones out to a venture and possibly eat a little bit of candy, which never hurts anybody but not too much guys, because I think we said about process than ultra processed foods. Those are completely chopped boulevard, wonderful candy bar. So let them indulge just a little bit to be a kid. But then after that let's get right back to, you know, maintaining appropriate and got help with Jackie:                          33:47                kids. Candy. It's sad, but it works. So the day after we'll say, all right, what do you have let? Well, first son Halloween, we pretty much just let them binge and then the next day we're like, all right, well how much candy do you have? And let's buy it back and you guys can pick out up Frank:                           34:02                awesome toys, whatever way it works. That way it works for us. That way it works for us is that we'll do that. You can donate it to dentists. Dentists like to collect that stuff and send it to the folks that are in need, so that's a really good way of actually doing it as well. So whatever works for your family is, is awesome. So if you enjoyed that podcast, please make sure that you hit that subscribe button and make sure that you are bringing yourself this content. We want to ensure that you are getting all of the information that we're going to have in this podcast as well as any other podcasts while you are listening on itunes or stitcher or wherever you listen to us too. We thank you. We love you guys and we cannot wait to hear you and see you and love on you a little bit more on our next podcast. Thanks everybody.  

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January 18, 2019 00:42:44
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019: Breast Implant Illness: My Explant Story

What we are talking about on this episode: Jackie's journey of getting breast implants What breast implant illness isSymptoms of breast implant illness How...



February 18, 2019 00:22:29
Episode Cover

024: How to Declutter Your Life (not your oils)!

Hey everyone, fun fresh podcast today! Jackie opens up about tidying up your life - so you can find joy! Want my free ebook...



February 11, 2019 00:30:20
Episode Cover

023: Rev-up Your Sex Drive Naturally! Valentine's Day

Hey everyone! This is a fun and hip podcast today about essential oils in the bedroom! Since you couples are about to share a...
